Monday, February 21, 2005

Rest in Peace, Hunter

Hunter S. Thompson has submitted his last piece. He shot himself to death last night, after 67 event filled years. I met him in the San Jose CA airport 25 years ago, when he was headed to Hawaii for the first marathon, and I was going to an EPA conference there on wastewater funding. I saw him loping through the concourse and with my usual aplomb ran up screaming "Hunter Thompson, you're my hero!!" (his real friends always left out the "S"). He bravely replied "shit, I thought I'd been busted."
He'll be missed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear EK:

Thanks for the post on HST--he meant a lot to many--

Please visit our site at, and add us to your listings, please. (and thanks)


February 23, 2005 at 4:01 PM  

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